All our bags and belts are made on-demand, and it takes approximately 10 weeks to complete and ship an order. In the event that your order is ready earlier than expected, we will notify you by email.

Due to the intricacies of the weaving process, providing a specific shipping date in advance is challenging. However, if you have any specific requirements or inquiries regarding your order, feel free to reach out to us at We'll be more than happy to assist you.

You will receive an automatic email with the tracking number 24 to 48 hours before your order is shipped.

You can contact us via email at to update your delivery address. It's best to make the change as early as possible.

If you realize that the color you ordered is not what you want, please contact us as soon as possible at to make your request. If you contact us more than a week after placing your order, there may be an additional processing time for your bag production.

No need to worry ;)

If you've ordered the wrong bag, please send us an email immediately at Depending on the currency you ordered in and the price of the bag, we may be able to directly modify your order.

If that's not possible, we'll offer to cancel the order and you will have to place an order for the correct bag.

Sometimes, our emails may end up in your spam folder. Please check there first. The second most common scenario is that there might be a typo in the email address you provided to us.

If the email is not in your spam folder, please contact us to verify the email address you provided and to request a resend of the email.

We cannot charge you if your order was not completed successfully. Our secure system requires manual capture to process payments. In some cases, failed payment attempts can occur due to bank processes or location differences.

When you notice an amount charged on your bank account, it may be because certain banks display charges immediately, even for unsuccessful payment attempts. These charges typically appear as pending charges and are reversed within 3-5 working days, depending on the bank.

In some cases, customers may experience similar difficulties, often related to order billing address mismatches with the credit card billing address. Nevertheless, these customers have always managed to place orders in the end :-)

Ensure your billing address matches your credit card. Try placing the order on a different device or browser.

If it still doesn't work you can contact us by writing to


You'll find detailed answers on how to care for your Dragon bag in our care guide.

Our bags are meticulously handwoven in India, reflecting the skill and craftsmanship of our artisans. Our factory adheres to the SA8000 Social Audit standards, ensuring ethical and fair working conditions. Additionally, our leathers are certified by the Good Leather Group.

Furthermore, we take pride in our commitment to the welfare of women through our dedicated social program focused on promoting their well-being.

At the moment, we regret to inform you that we are unable to alter the length of our handles or shoulder straps.

Our bags are crafted on a made-to-order basis as part of our commitment to minimizing dead stock and providing sufficient time for our skilled weavers to create each bag with utmost care and precision.

The only thing we can customise is the colour, for example if you want a Santa Croce Big or Small Marine Brush (like the Nantucket here:

It's essential to note that modifying the original pattern of a bag involves extensive work in terms of production, testing, and ensuring quality standards. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide this type of service. We appreciate your understanding and hope you find a bag from our existing collection that perfectly matches your preferences.

If you have seen a particular model at one of our retailers and cannot find it on the website, you can send us an email at

If the model can still be made and our production schedule allows it, we will offer you the option of placing a special order.

Unfortunately we do not offer the cotton drawstring for sale separately. These drawstrings are specially crafted to complement the bags showcased on our website, and they are not available as standalone items.

Introducing the drawstrings as individual products would necessitate additional manpower, which we currently do not have, and we are committed to avoiding overburdening our skilled weavers.

If you purchased the bag from our website, please send us an email at along with photos of the issue, your location and your order number.

If you bought the bag from one of our retailers, it's best to contact the retailer directly. They will get in touch with us if needed.

Since we use natural dyes, they can sometimes bleed initially, especially in dark colors or if the bag is exposed to high humidity. This does not happen often, but it can occur.

The more natural approach is to leave your bag in the sunlight for several hours. The sun's rays will help set the dye pigments.

As the dyes are natural, it may take some time for them to stop bleeding. Over time and some use, the bags will develop a special used patina that in fact enhances the feel and look of your Dragon Bag.


To initiate a return, please send us an email at within 14 days of receiving your package, including the name of the product to be returned and your order number.

As per our Returns Policy, returns are the responsibility of the customer. Our return address is in Belgium and will be communicated to you at the time of the return request.

Once received and verified, we will process the refund to the card used for payment.


If you're interested in selling our products in your store, please send your inquiry to

Currently, we are not collaborating with bloggers, content creators, or influencers.

Our marketing team has strategically allocated resources to enhance different facets of the brand, including packaging, product logistics, and other vital areas that require improvement. While we appreciate the interest and support from content creators, bloggers, and influencers, we are not engaging in collaborations at this moment.

Contact us

If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can reach out to us at or through this contact form. We typically respond to emails within 24 to 72 hours.
